About the IRTG
What is the Integrated Research Training Group
Doctoral Researchers
Currently, 21 doctoral researchers are part of the IRTG
Doctoral seminar
Once a month to present topics and research efforts
Involved Partners
In order to comply with the trans-sectoral (transdisciplinary) philosophy of the IRTG all doctoral researchers also have a non‑academic or industrial mentor in the supervisory team
Summerschool on experimental design and statistics
Retreats planned by the doctoral researchers for strengthening group dynamics and social exchange
Besides the summerschools, also other scientific as wells as soft skill workshops will be organised by the IRTG
Supervisory Board
The quality of the program objectives and activities within IRTG is assured by a Supervisory Board
Management Team
The Management Team is responsible for the day-to-day issues of the IRTG and for implementing the decisions made by the Supervisory Board