Diese Seiten werden von der Aquatischen Ökologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen angeboten.
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Biologie
Aquatische Ökologie
Universitätsstr. 5
D-45141 Essen
T: +49 (0) 202.18.33189
F: +49 (0) 202.18.32179
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt
Prof. Dr. Bernd Sures
Aquatische Ökologie
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hering
Aquatische Ökologie

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Privacy policy
All data on this website are processed based on the current laws and regulations (GDPR/DSGVO). Here we explain how we use the data that you make accessible to us when using our website. You can use our website without leaving or storing any personal data. If we ask for personal data (newsletter, contact form), we just use it for the case we asked for and for which you are granting permission to us. We do care for your data, we will never hand over your data to a 3rd party in any case.
If you contact us via email or a contact form via this website we will save the received information in case of further communication. The saved information will only be used for communication purposes with you and not be handed over to a 3rd party.
Server logfiles
The provider of the website (, server location: Germany) is logging all access to the website. This includes the following information:
- browser type and version including operating system
- referrer URL
- hostname, date and time of the server request
The logfile is anonymised prior to its storage, including the IP address, so it is not counting as “personal data” in sense of the GDPR/DSGVO. All logfiles will be deleted automatically after 30 days by the provider. These logfiles are only used to detect potential threats for the server, they are not be used for any statistical analyses.
Cookies are small pieces of data sent from the webserver and stored on the user's computer by the user's webbrowser while the user is browsing. They do not contain any harmful code or viruses. Only so-called "session cookies” will be set by our webserver, these will be deleted after you close your browser.
Web analytics
We do not use any web analytic tools to track your visit on our website.
Our website is using plugins to display videos stored on YouTube, (Google Company – YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA). If you are visiting a page on our website containing a YouTube video, data will be transferred from and to a YouTube server. We do not know which kind of data is transferred and how Youtube handels your data. If you are logged in with your YouTube profile, YouTube will store information which pages you visited and which videos you have wached. To avoid this you can logout at YouTube. More information about the data privacy policy of YouTube can be found at
Our website is using plugins to display content stored on Twitter (Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA). If you are visiting a page on our website containing Twitter content or use "re-tweet", data will be transferred from and to a Twitter server. If you are logged in with your Twitter profile, Twitter will store information which pages you visited. We do not know which kind of data is transferred and how Twitter handles your data. For more information about the data privacy policy of Twitter visit You privacy settings for your Twitter account could be set here:
Your rights
You have the right to get information, ask for correction or request deletion of your personal data which we might have stored any time. You can contact us if you have questions concerning your personal data and our data privacy policy via the persons and contact details named above.
This website contains links to material protected by copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights and laws. By using our website, you acknowledge that the content and information – including but not limited to – texts, sounds, photographs, videos, graphics or other material, contained in this website, may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Material and/or links on this web site do not constitute legal advice, political advice, and/or other advice. Permission is granted to use materials contained on this website, in part or in full, for personal and educational purposes, but not commercial purposes, provided that you keep all copyright and other proprietary notices intact and provided that full credit is given to our website and the respective copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights holder. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way content available through this website, with the exception of public documents such as treaties and conventions.
Additionally, while we strive for accuracy, we make no guarantees, warranties and/or other representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, or accuracy of this website for any purpose. The webpages and information contained here are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not represent or warrant that this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the webpages or the server that makes it available, are free of viruses or other harmful components. Changes and/or improvements may be made to this website at any time.
We also make no guarantees, warranties and/or other representations concerning any sites "linked" to and from our website or concerning the content or quality of information on other sites. Sites linked to and from to our website are not under the control of us and we are not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites.