List of pre-prints stemming from RESIST to be submitted by 5th of July, 2024
Project A01
Stach, T.L., Deep, A., Madge Pimentel, I., Buchner, D., Borton, M.A., Soares, A., Starke, J., Bornemann, T.L.V., Rehsen, P.M., Boenigk, J., Vos, M., Leese, F., Beisser, D., Probst, A.J. Complex compositional and cellular response of river sediment microbiomes to multiple anthropogenic stressors
Simon, S.A., Aschmann, V., Behrendt, A., Hügler, M., Engl, L.M., Pohlner, M., Rolfes, S., Brinkhoff, T., Engelen, B., Könneke, M., Rodriguez, L.M., Bornemann, T., Nuy, J.K., Stach, T.L., Beblo-Vranesevic, K., Leuko, S., Runzheimer, K., Moeller, R., Conrady, M., Huth, M., Trabold, T., Herkendell, K., Probst, A.J. Earth’s most needed uncultivated aquatic prokaryotes
Hug, L.A., Hatzenpichler, R., Moraru, C., Soares, A., Meyer, F., Heyder, A., Probst, A.J. A roadmap for fair reuse of public microbiome data
Project A02
Baikova, D., Hadžiomerović, U., Madge Pimentel, I., Buchner, D., Brauer, V.S., Meckenstock, R.U. Effects of temperature and salinity on dissolved organic carbon degradation and microbial community composition in urban river sediments in outdoor mesocosm experiments.
Hadžiomerović, U., Baikova, D., Madge Pimentel, I., Buchner, D., Brauer, V.S., Meckenstock, R.U. Effects of temperature and salinity on microbial degradation of bacterial necromass in urban river sediments in outdoor mesocosm experiments.
Project A08
Wolany, L., Enss, J., Leese, F., Buchner, D. Homogenization of insect bulk samples provides more comprehensive yet comparable biodiversity data than non-destructive lysis.
Weiss, M., Lorenz, A., Feld, C., Hering, D., Leese, F. Strong small-scale differentiation but no cryptic species within the two Isopod species Asellus aquaticus and Proasellus coxalis in a restored urban river system (Emscher, Germany).
Project A10
Vermiert, A.-M., Madge Pimentel, I., Rehsen, P.M., Otto, T., Horstmann, M., Beermann, A.J., Leese, F., Weiss, L.C., Tollrian, R. Salinisation and warming disrupt predator-induced drift behaviour in aquatic predator-prey interactions.
Vermiert, A.-M., Madge Pimentel, I., Rehsen, P.M., Meisner, J., Horstmann, M., Beermann, A.J., Leese, F., Weiss, L.C., Tollrian, R. Fish predation induces drifting and emergence in an experimental stream mesocosm system.
Project A12
Hesse, T., Niemann, F., Khaliq, S., Köster, D., Enss, J., Feld, C., et al. A proof-of-principle study for δ15N measurements of aqueous dissolved nitrate and nitrite with a modified LC-IRMS interface . ChemRxiv. 2024; doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-d7mx0 .
Project A15
Medina Madariaga, G.,Nguyen, H.H, Peters, K., Kiesel, J., Feld, C.K., Jähnig, S.C., Torres-Cambas, Y.l Transferability of Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Distribution Models to Drought-Related Conditions.
Available at SSRN: or
Projects A16 & A08
Wolany, L., Enss, J., Leese, F., Buchner, D. Homogenization of insect bulk samples provides more comprehensive yet comparable biodiversity data than non-destructive lysis.
Weiss, M. Lorenz, A.W., Feld, C.K. & Leese, F. Strong small-scale differentiation but no cryptic species within the two isopod species Asellus aquaticus and Proasellus coxalis in a restored urban river system (Emscher, Germany).
Project A17
Gillmann, S.M., Schuwirth, N., Lorenz, A.W., Hering D. Contributions of population sources, habitat suitability and trait overlap to benthic invertebrate community assembly in restored urban streams.
Project A20
Bayat, H.S., He, F., Madariaga, G.M. Escobar-Sierra, C., Prati, S., Jupke, J.F., Peters, K., Chen, X., Spaak, J.W., Manfrin, A., Juvigny-Khenafou, N., Schäfer, R.B. Global thermal tolerance of freshwater ectotherms. [doi to be added]
Project Z03
Kaijser, W., Schürings, C., Schneider, A., Prati, S., (…), Brauer, V.S., (…), Madge Pimentel, I., (…)., Enß, J., Farias, L., Feld, C.K., Gillmann, S., Hupalo, S., (…), Sures, B., Schäfer, R., Hering, D. (preprint). Global-scale quantification of responses to anthropogenic stressors in six riverine organism groups.
Schürings, C., Kaijser, W., Gillmann, S.M., Peters, K., Kiesel, J., Lorenz, A.W., Hering, D. Drivers of recovery and degradation of riverine benthic macroinvertebrate communities – a nationwide analysis of time series.